Singing Guide: David Patrick Kelly
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
David Patrick Kelly is a character actor and singer, known for his unique voice and his work in both movies and TV.
If you want to learn how to sing like David Patrick Kelly, you need to tap into the raw, emotive power of his voice. While Kelly is known for both singing and speaking, his voice has a certain quality that sets it apart from other actors.
One of Kelly's defining vocal techniques is his use of falsetto and head voice. This technique is particularly apparent in his performance of "In Dreams" in the movie "Blue Velvet". To learn how to use falsetto and head voice yourself, you can try the pitch training exercises available at Singing Carrots.
Another defining aspect of Kelly's vocal style is his ability to convey strong emotions through his voice alone. To do this, it's important to focus on your breathing and make sure that you're creating a full, supported breath. Singing Carrots has several articles on breathing technique that you may find helpful, such as Breathing Basics and Breath Support.
Articulation is also an important factor in Kelly's vocal style. He has a unique way of shaping his vowels and consonants that gives his voice a distinct sound. Singing Carrots has a helpful article on articulation that covers everything from vowel placement to consonant clarity: Articulation.
Finally, keep in mind that singing is a physical activity, and your posture can have a big impact on the quality of your voice. Kelly has a commanding physical presence on screen, and part of that comes from his strong posture. Singing Carrots has an article on posture that you may find helpful in improving your own singing: How Posture Affects Your Singing.
By focusing on these techniques and using the resources available at Singing Carrots, you'll be well on your way to learning how to sing like David Patrick Kelly. Don't be afraid to experiment and find your own unique vocal style, just like Kelly did.